Essential questions to ask your wedding photographer
In the next few lines, we will try to analyze the essential questions to ask your wedding photographer to enjoy the shots to the fullest.
The wedding brings with it an infinity of activities to manage, among the most beautiful and important are certainly the photo shoot and the photographer, the latter capable of immortalizing the emotions of the event over time. Many couples underestimate the choice of the photographer by focusing their gaze on other aspects of the wedding and then find themselves with an unsatisfactory final result. In order to obtain the best result according to the couple's tastes, it is essential to ask the photographer a few questions before taking the photo shoot.>.
Style first of all
Photography can offer you a number of different styles, the latter often linked to the characteristics of the wedding theme or the peculiarities of the bride and groom. In recent years, the most used style is certainly the reportage one, capable of telling the story of the wedding in a completely innovative way. You will certainly have seen many photo albums and in many of these you will have noticed a traditional banal style in which the poses are the masters; the reportage style makes it possible to make the photographer almost invisible and make the most of the natural effect, thus enhancing the spontaneity of the bride and groom. Choose your style and don't be afraid to ask the photographer which one he is best at.
The quote is essential
Many couples underestimate the importance of asking the photographer for one or more quotes, relying on a pact stipulated many months before. Although professional photographers have a very high level of ethics, it is advisable to request one or more quotes on the services offered and on the various possibilities available. Modern photographers love to combine the photo shoot with the video one, guaranteeing lower costs and a complete final result. The idea of requesting multiple quotes, even from other photographers, will allow you to cross-reference the data and choose the best option for your wedding.>.
Technical preparation times
Among the most traumatic experiences for a couple is finding a photo shoot finished two years after it was done. Although it may seem strange to you, the waiting and development times for a wedding photo shoot are in many cases extremely long. In order for you to avoid this problem, it is important to ask the photographer what the technical development times are, and when it is possible to view the preliminary and finished work. Also keep in mind that the longer the times are, the better the job will be. Giving the professional too much haste means making him work with less precision even if he is very good at his job.
Photographs in preview
The advent of digital photography makes it possible to take a very high number of photos, with greater ability to maneuver, and choice on the part of the professional. Although the photo album, and the choice of the best shots, are up to the photographer himself, it is important to ask him if it is possible to preview the shots to edit and add to the wedding album. Many photographers deliver, in lower resolution, the photos in preview through a Hard Disk or a USB stick to the bride and groom to allow them to choose the ones they prefer. If you are particularly fussy about marriage decisions, it is only fair to have this opportunity to compose a perfect wedding album. >.
The print quality, format, and delivery
Everyone has their own trusted photographer, and blindly trusts the quality of the photos, but not everyone knows that often the quality of the photos also depends on the paper used for printing. We recommend that you ask your photographer what type of print they use, and which are the best formats. Maybe, you touch the prints he develops firsthand, so as to determine if the result is the ideal one. In addition to printing and format, do not forget to inquire about the type of delivery. While hand picking is the safest form, more and more photo agencies like to send the photo album via a courier. If you don't want surprises, don't be afraid to ask.
The necessary retouching
We are sure that the beauty of the couple is enough to make the photo shoot wonderful, but in some cases, it may take a little retouching for a hair out of place or a distant child invading the scene. In order for you to take perfect photos, it is worth asking if you can retouch your photos using special software or filters. Nowadays it is difficult to find a photography professional who does not offer such a service, but to be sure it is best to ask.
Hours of work
The wedding day is full of activities that follow one another without stopping and being able to organize everything within the set times is always complicated. Among the most beautiful thoughts there is certainly the wait for the photographer, who, however, will have to fit perfectly into a very busy day. In order for you to be found at home and in the places agreed upon, it is important to calculate the times well and to understand precisely at what time the photographer's engagement starts. Many brides find the photographer under their house at unrealistic times, or even worse they are at the hairdresser and leave the photographer at the mercy of events. A direct communication in which you establish the timing for the shooting is essential to enjoy a happy day, in which even the photographer must work in peace.
Confirm the photo shoot
In recent years it is fashionable to wait until the last few months before the reception, to choose the most suitable photographer for the wedding theme. It is advisable to avoid this way of acting for the choice of the wedding photographer There are many weddings throughout the year, and the best professionals are also the most requested. It is very important that you ask the photographer what the times are to confirm the service. Making a rough agreement and then forgetting to confirm the photo shoot will leave you with a fistful of flies in your hand. Give yourself time to decide but ask the photographer how much margin you have in order to confirm the wedding shoot.